Opentrons OT-2 Issue

Hello all, I am the head of support at Opentrons. I wanted to get some more info from @randob to confirm what the issue could be without compromising their privacy.

A bit of background on the issue, in software version v6.3.0, we introduced a new process to our Labware Position Check. This process allows for minor adjustments for a pipette to go to the correct location on specific labware in a specific deck slot. The new process requires removing all labware from the deck and modules, but modules can remain on the deck.

@randob kept the labware on their temperature module, specifically an Aluminum 96-well adapter. The OT-2 moved on a path toward the tiprack in which it thought that the adapter was not on the temperature module, resulting in the crash. I had them perform a factory reset, recalibrate the OT-2, remove the Aluminum adapter from the temperature module, and then try the labware position check again. The OT-2 was able to perform the labware position check this time. They will continue to perform tests and update me if anything else happens.

We should have done a better job of explaining what exactly is required to be removed during the labware position check. It is not clear that labware needs to be removed from the modules. Based on their experience (and others), I have discussed making labware position check easier/more straightforward with our engineering team. For now, you must remove the labware and aluminum plate from the module.