Two PyLabRobot Demos

Thought I would share two demos Stefan and I prepared to run on our Opentrons during Members Meeting (demo week) at the Media Lab.

PyLabRobot Art Studio

The first demo is waterpainting using the PyLabRobot Art Studio. I created a little web app where you can paint on a 96 well plate, and also a dashboard to manage and print paintings.

You can create your own artworks here:, and we can print them for you.

Some examples: (first is prewetted paper)

The poster:

A timelapse of printing the PRL logo:

The code is on GitHub: GitHub - rickwierenga/pylabrobot-art-studio: Art Studio for PyLabRobot (demo project)


The other demo I worked on is called “TicTacTobot”: tic tac toe on a liquid handling robot. I think a game controller is the best demonstration of the level of interactivity one can achieve on these robots, besides just a lot of fun to use.

This project is also on GitHub: GitHub - rickwierenga/tic-tac-tobot: TicTacToe on an Opentrons Liquid Handling Robot, using a video game controller