VENUS Questions!

Hi All,

TL;DR - How do you version control your Hamilton methods?

This might be a duplicate question so let me know and I can remove this reply.

I was reading up on what I could find online about this topic (really only found this from Color: but wanted to know what other people might be doing.

I was hoping for something like git (where I could create branches, merge, rebase, etc) but so far I’ve only be able to use it for maintaining a linear main branch for methods.


In this vein, trying to troubleshoot this error:

2022-11-09 17:29:39> HSLLabwrAccess : _Method::HSLLabwrAccess::SortSequenceByProbeHeadWithPresort - start; i_intProbeHeadConfiguration = 1
2022-11-09 17:29:39> SYSTEM : Execute method - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: C:\Program Files (x86)\HAMILTON\Library\HSLLabwrAccess\HSLLabwrAccess.hsl(1042) : Invalid class string (0x23 - 0x2 - 0x39) ,
2022-11-09 17:29:39> HSLLabwrAccess : _Method::HSLLabwrAccess::SortSequenceByProbeHeadWithPresort - complete with error; Error while creating the COM object Hamilton.ASW.SequenceSorting. Is this component installed and registered?

Seems like I need to run an additional install but I’ve already run ASW standard. Is there a separate installer for HSLLabwrAccess?

Yes, there is. I have uploaded it to the Libraries folder. Here is the direct link to the HSL Labware Access library.

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At the same SLAS in 2019, there was a great solutions spotlight talk from a Hamilton customer on Hamilton Code Management in a Globally Regulated, Multi-Developer Environment. I found an online recording of it here.

I hope this helps!


Thanks Eric! Incredibly helpful as always :slight_smile:

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Wow thats incredible. I should really categorize these questions and answers so people can find them easier.


This is great! Thank you so much @EricSindelar_Hamilton

It’s so good to have a sense of community around Hamiltons (and PyHamilton!) now.

Cheers Everyone!


For the Vantage platform, can you use the span-8 channels with tips on the 96-core head? I vaguely remember this couldn’t be done on the STAR platform. Always curious as to why Venus wouldn’t let you perform this operation.

@chips-a-hoai - So I can confirm that on VANTAGE I have used MPH commands (tip pickup, aspirate, dispense, tip eject) while the channels had the QCG loaded without issue, though this was on older MPH and 1mL channel firmware.

That is not to say that all combinations of tip/CO-RE accessories and their associated commands would necessarily be allowed while tips are loaded on the MPH, or vice versa. The various scenarios would need to be tested. At the moment, I cannot remember the specific scenarios I have attempted in the past - same with STAR - so I would need to test to confirm.

I doubt VENUS software cares one way or the other, it is likely low level rules programmed into the firmware various modules, which in turn would trigger an error reported by VENUS.

Is there a particular scenario you are after? I will have access to equipment next week and can run a few quick tests, as now my curiosity is piqued.

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yup, I am trying to basically use the span-8 to aspirate/dispense while i have tips loaded on the 96 core head.
It helps when you are trying to do multi-task, as I do not want to unload dirty tips on the 96 core head.
I am just having my fingers crossed that it’s no longer a limitation on the Vantage platform. But I never understood why Venus wouldn’t let you perform that command since the core-96 and span-8 never cross paths (a crash isn’t possible).

I’ll be around a VANTAGE next Monday AM - Ill run a couple tests and get back to you!


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@chips-a-hoai - With current VANTAGE firmware, you are good to go. I ran a variety of tests this morning testing different commands while both the MPH96 and the 1mL channels had tips or CO-RE accessories loaded and did not encounter any issues. These included:

  • Pipette with the 1mL channels while the MPH96 had tips loaded
  • Pipette with the MPH96 while the 1mL channels had tips loaded
  • Pipette with the MPH96 while the QCG was holding a rack
  • Get/place a rack while the MPH96 had tips loaded

I cannot guarantee that future VANTAGE firmware module revisions will not include checks preventing any of the above scenarios, but they are currently allowed.


amazing! thanks nick!

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“Argument invalid: Complex movement for iSWAP not possible. The labware orientation does not match the iSWAP’s grip direction”

This error occurs when I try to use labware orientation = 1 and complex movement set to True. Any thoughts on what could be going on here?

@Stefan - This is likely due to the grip mode you have set. Complex grip orientation 1 will have the iSWAP grip the labware from the rear of the rack.


If your labware is landscape orientation, then you would want your grip mode set to 1 (grip labware on large side) so your grip mode (and resultant labware orientation) matches the grip orientation.

If the labware you are gripping is portrait, then you’ll need to set grip mode to 0 (grip on small side).



Is there a way to modify liquid class properties programmatically? I am interested in creating a placeholder liquid class that I can write any values I want to and have this used to dynamically apply liquid handling parameters at runtime.

Yes, you should be able to use the Liquid Class library that is posted to the Libraries folder. It has commands to set parameters for the aspirate and dispense.


Awesome thanks!

Working on putting together a deck loading prompt for folks and was wondering if there’s a way to pull the file path for the preview image of the labware from a labware on the deck

Would love to be able to show users exactly what plates they need to put on the deck by adding this picture to a dynamically populated prompt

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We use Bitbucket to control them and version them and its very easy to move between them