10x scRNA seq library prep: $26k

10x Genomics sells library prep robots for $260k, we took this as an engineering challenge and hacked it together on the OT-2 for $26k.

10x …cheaper!


Whoa thats so cool!


That’s incredible cost savings. I believe that 10X Genomics pretty much uses Hamilton hardware, right? How’s the OT-2 hardware hold up?


It’s not nearly as precise as our microlab starlet. If you watch the pipette cam footage, you’ll see it works surprisingly well. Our sequencing data look great!


I love what you did with the cameras! Kudos!

Recording every pipette step has been on our nice to have list for a long time. Now I feel more inspired to give it a try :slight_smile:


The added bonus of having cameras on systems is being able to troubleshoot from home


Love to hear it! It’s a simple as a Jetson Nano running a gstreamer UDP stream over LAN.

On our nice to have list are tiny computer vision scripts that alert when pipetting errors occur (unequal aspiration in multi-channel, air bubbles when mixing, and pipette homing to precise locations). Great for quickly QCing these 6-hour protocols!

Such a good idea. What cameras have you found work well?

I use the IMX477 sensor with autofocus actuators, this is way overkill. If I build out vision-based control / self-calibration capabilities on the OT-2, I imagine I’ll migrate to a smaller sensor (lightweight data == easier to play with)

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A Nano? Those aren’t tiny… how did you strap that down?

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Like this!:

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Haha you are a LEGEND! Where did you find a camera ribbon that long?

I should share my Jetson builds

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here :stuck_out_tongue:
signal degradation does happen at this length, it’s all good with a bit of buffering
I wanna to see your nano builds!

This is cool as all get out! Like others, I LOVE the camera integration right there on the pipettor!

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Shoutout to @ben for this feature.