Fluoreye for DNA quantitation

We have created a script called ‘AirFCA QC test’ on our Tecan Fluent that we perform monthly to make sure the AirFCA is pipetting within our specified specification for Accuracy and CV for each AirFCA pipetting channel.
A deviation of <5.0 % is seen as a PASS, between 5.0% and 10.0% is seen as a WARNING and >10.0% is seen as a FAIL. If we have a fail then at least we have something to show for when we contact the vendor (never happened to this point).

We use the Qubit Flex (for strips of 8) for measurement.
Reagents = Qubit™ Flex System Verification Assay Kit - Catalog number: Q33254

Pipette 200µL blank buffer as standard 1
Pipette 200µL of Red or Green dye as Standard 2

Pipette a ratio for volume verification (we use 6 strips so 6 repeats for each channel):
X µL of blank buffer
200 - X µL of Red or Green dye

Measure standards QC-strips on the Qubit Flex and select the correct assay
2 Standards GREEN = dsDNA BR assay
2 Standards RED = RNA BR assay
3 Standards = Protein assay (possible, but not done frequently in our lab)

Mix all Qubit strips properly and spin down
Make sure the orientation of all strips is the same as during pipetting
Measure samples and export data
Used the exported measurement data to calculate the volumes for each pipetting action

In the attached picture you can see that the template we made gives all the required information.
Additional tabs for the raw Qubit data, volume calculations, interpolation plots and Report.