Future Labs Live - Worth Attending?

Hello, I am considering going to Future Labs Live but I wanted to see if anyone in this forum has been before, and how was the experience? Thank you!

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I will be presenting this year!

@Stefan definitely interested in hearing about what you’re presenting!

I went a couple years ago when it was held in Raleigh, NC (I live there and it was free). It was OK, very similar to SLAS for me, but not quite as targeted. It was very focused on how labs could be operated in the future, which is obviously heavily automated both with software and hardware. I thought a lot of it was still in the theoretical rather than practical, but that is probably just where we are right now.

Aside from the presentations, I would suggest that SLAS covers everything and more. If there are user presentations that interest you it could be worthwhile going to both, or if you missed SLAS (Boston in February? :no_entry_sign: ) it could be worthwhile.

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