Normalization on Tecan without a Magellan reader

@MortenSkovsted thanks for the email. I had a quick look at if I had an example of how you can quickly implement an 8 loop import structure as this is normally how I have done this on EVOs. You can still look into how to use the other commands to simplify and error handle.

Disclaimer I have posted as roughed out solution here so everyone can see and discuss this. Note I have done this super quick so the Maths might not work and there is no error handling below.

This example is pulling data from a very basic csv file with one column of concentration (mg/ml) in order of well references. The process reads the first 8 lines/conc of the file calculates and assigns the calculated sample volume to each tip as and array.

This calculation is based on predefined values of Final Volume (FinalVol) you require and Final concentration you need (Conc). I have assumed its a 96 well plate.

There a couple of internal variables you may not be familiar with. I have first declared a file location/path as a variable “File” and use fileLineCount to give me the number of “Lines”/concentrations in the file. I will need this later to define the number of import cycles.

I have “Line” variable I will use a as count later to read a new line on each loop.

“NormConc” is the user defined value they want all samples to be normalized to and “FinalVol” is the total volume you want your finale sample to be. Note these can be user prompts but you will need to work out error handling for when Maths fails and tip accurate is limited. This is something the wizard like single commands in my last comment can do for you or you and if-else this yourself.

The next part is the looped import and calculations. First loop should be to support running until there is no more data in the file based on line counted. The nested 8 loop in is an import and assign volumes to the tip array. As each loop progresses I have include a Line+1 to make sure you import the next line of the file before it is assigned to the tip array.

I have directly nested the pipetting commands into the first loop so each volume can be assign to the calculated volumes for the dilutant and sample to dispense in one go (plus 10% to clear the tips). Maybe you want to be more careful and split this out to dilutant and sample separate tips but EVOs and Fluent create air gaps and minimally touch liquids so this is the fastest way to normalize samples with low %CV.

This still need a bit of work but gives you the basic idea and tools.

Let the Tecan team know if you need more general guidance. Enjoy!